

Because the School of Theater considers artistic talent in the review process, students pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) major must audition, 面试, and/或提交其他材料 for admission and scholarship consideration. 不参加试镜的BFA申请者, 面试, and/或提交其他材料 but who are admissible to the University will be admitted to the BA in theater. Applicants pursuing the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in theater major are 不 required to audition, 面试, 或提交其他材料, though they are strongly encour年龄d to 面试 for scholarship consideration.



Students applying to a theater performance BFA major must audition for consideration for the program. Applicants who do 不 complete this step but who are admissible to the University will be admitted to the BA in Theater.

面试日期 & 登记

2024年秋季的所有预定试镜已经结束. 请给杰西卡·福克斯发邮件 foxj5@俄亥俄州.edu 安排另一个试镜时间.



Prepare two contrasting, contemporary monologues lasting no more than three minutes in total.

  • 独白 must be from a published play written after the year 2000.
  • 独角戏不能来自音乐剧, 电视节目, 电影, stand-alone monologue collections or one-person shows.
  • 他们应该在风格上形成对比, revealing two sides of the student’s abilities and be characters that are close to the student in 年龄.
  • 每段独白的长度为60-90秒.





  • One song should be a ballad and one song should be up-tempo so as to contrast style.
  • 每首歌应该是60-90秒. 请不要超过这个时间限制.
  • Students must sing to musical accompaniment, which could include live or pre-recorded accompaniment. No “a cappella” singing (meaning singing without music).


  • 独白 must be from a published play written after the year 2000.
  • 独角戏不能来自音乐剧, 电视节目, 移动, 独立的独白集或一人表演.
  • 独白长度为60-90秒.

跳舞 calls will be held at on-campus auditions and at National Unified Auditions in NYC and Chicago.

学生也可以选择 提交一个可选的舞蹈视频 来补充他们的试镜. Submissions can include up to one of each of the following:

  1. A 舞蹈视频 这符合以下准则:
    • 不管你跳哪种风格的舞, the choreography and the 移动ment should be story-driven and connected to the music where the applicant is dancing with a sense of purpose.
    • 30-60 seconds of dance in whatever dance discipline you feel most confident. 这可能包括, 但并不局限于爵士乐, 芭蕾舞, 利用, 现代, 文化舞蹈风格, 嘻哈, 抒情, 或当代.
    • 不要做杠铃动作. 芭蕾舞独舞可以接受.
    • Please use steps, 移动ment, and physical vocabulary that you are familiar with and can execute well.
    • 跳舞 media can be self-choreographed, but must be a solo video of you. 这可以包括一个节目, 竞争, or other performance so long as you are clearly featured on your own.
    • All choreography must be performed to music; no “a cappella” dance media please.
  2. A 通配符的视频 that showcases anything you'd like us to know about you: a special skill, 一个关于你自己的有趣故事, 充满激情的演讲, 你演奏的乐器, 等. 通配符视频不应超过60秒. 

Non-Performance BFA Major Interview/Supplementary Materials

编剧|制作设计 & 技术|舞台管理

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) majors require an 面试 with faculty for admission to the program. Some majors also require supplementary application materials. See below for more specific requirements and details about submitting your materials and registering for an 面试.



All scheduled on-campus 面试s for fall 2024 have concluded. 请给杰西卡·福克斯发邮件 foxj5@俄亥俄州.edu 安排另一个面试时间.


Supplementary materials are required for admission to the production design & 技术和剧本专业. Supplementary materials are optional for students pursuing the st年龄 man年龄ment major.



  1. 面试: Interviews are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to talk about your work and share with us your big ideas and goals.
  2. 投资组合: 提交一份作品集. 除了轻情节, 服装效果图, 集设计, 画家海拔, 照片, 或者你做过的任何戏剧作品的幻灯片, 你的作品集可以包括:草图, 图纸, 绘画, 涂鸦, 诗歌, 短篇小说, 或拼贴画. 简而言之, include anything that you have created that represents your aesthetic and/or your creative impulses.


  1. 面试: Interviews are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to talk about your work and share with us your big ideas and goals.
  2. 写作样本: Submit a writing sample of at least 10 p年龄s in length (up to 30 p年龄s in total maximum). Though dramatic writing samples are typically preferred, writing samples can be any creative writing or academic/scholarly writing that you believe best represents your voice as an artist.



面试: Interviews are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to talk about your work and share with us your big ideas and goals.


创意的简历: 提交一份有创意的简历, 哪一个应该列出所有合适的高中和, 如果适用的话, 社会经验. You may bring a production book if you have one, but it is 不 required. You may also bring a portfolio of other production work you have done; anything that represents your experience with st年龄 production is appropriate.



Students applying for the theater BA major are encour年龄d to participate in an 面试 for scholarship consideration. 面试是 不 学士学位课程的入学要求.


All scheduled on-campus 面试s for fall 2024 have concluded. 请给杰西卡·福克斯发邮件 foxj5@俄亥俄州.edu 安排另一个面试时间.


Interviews for theater BA scholarship consideration are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to share with us your big ideas and goals.


For questions about theater auditions or materials submission, 杰西卡·福克斯, assistant director of recruitment for the College of Fine Arts.

newbb电子平台是一个整体的大学, selective review and looks for evidence of academic preparation when reviewing applications for admission. 另外, because the School of Theater considers artistic talent in the review process, students pursuing certain academic programs must audition, 面试, and/或提交其他材料 for admission and scholarship consideration. newbb电子平台 and the School of Theater do 不 discriminate against any applicants because of race, color, 宗教, 年龄, 国家的起源, 种族, 国家的祖先, 性, 怀孕, 性别, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 退伍军人服役或退伍军人身份, 精神或身体残疾, 或者遗传信息.