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Student Organizations & Clubs
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Student Organizations and Clubs

Did you know that a key indicator of your success, while in school and after graduation, is how involved you are in student organizations? Below are College of Business groups and organizations. Don't see what you're interested in? Start it!

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Student Organizations


Beta Alpha Psi (Alpha Kappa Chapter)

Beta Alpha Psi is the National Honors Organization for financial information professionals. It was established in 1919 to encourage and recognize scholastic and professional excellence in the field of accounting. Through the years, the organization has grown to include finance and information systems students. 阿尔法卡帕分会于1952年在newbb电子平台成立,自那以来一直是雅典社区最积极参与的组织之一.

Advisors: Barry Hettler and Ann Stott

Ohio University Cryptocurrency Club

The goal of Ohio University Cryptocurrency Club is dedicated to fostering a deep understanding of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and digital assets. We foster a supportive and inclusive community where students can connect, collaborate, and learn from one another.

Cryptocurrency Club Website, Cryptocurrency Club Instagram, Advisor: Aaron Wilson

National Association of Black Accountants

Advisor: Shea Burden

SOX Fellows

COB选择性项目:newbb电子平台SOX 404奖学金有幸对newbb电子平台基金会进行外部审计. This includes documenting and assessing internal controls. On top of the Ohio University Foundation audit, the Fellowship also performs audits for student organizations that receive EAB funding. Selected students get the opportunity to gain real-world experience while working with some of the leading accounting professionals.

SOX 404 Fellows Website Advisor: Aaron Wilson

Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi is the oldest fraternity in the nation. Its members are offered the opportunity for brotherhood, leadership, unity and education. Alpha Kappa Psi向所有对专业发展和兄弟会社会方面感兴趣的商业专业和未成年人开放. There is a ten-week pledge program required before full membership can be obtained. Dues are $150 each fall and spring semester. Attendance at weekly meetings is required.

Advisor: Craig Dougherty

Delta Sigma Pi

This professional business fraternity fosters the study of business and encourages professionalism, scholarship, and social activity among members. OHIO's Alpha Omicron Chapter was founded in 1925, making Delta Sigma Pi the oldest professional business fraternity at Ohio University. Delta Sigma Pi invites all freshman, sophomores and first-semester juniors to apply for membership. You must hold an accumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.5 and attend rush, which is held each semester.

Delta Sigma Pi Website, Delta Sigma Pi Linkedin, Delta Sigma Pi Instagram, Advisor: Jeff Anderson

Phi Chi Theta

The purpose of Phi Chi Theta is to promote the cause of higher business education and training for all individuals, foster high ideals for everyone pursuing a career in business, encourage fraternity and cooperation among people preparing for such careers, and stimulate the spirit of sacrifice and selfless devotion to the attainment of such ends. Phi Chi Theta consists of members interested in all areas of business who are driven to develop their professional skills. Members benefit from resume critiques, mock interviews, internship panels, etiquette dinners, and regular professional networking opportunities.

Phi Chi Theta Website , Phi Chi Theta Instagram, Advisor: Mary Haines

Bobcat Consulting Group

The Bobcat Consulting Group strives to inspire ambitious undergraduate students with a keen interest in consulting, motivate student leaders to serve others and learn how to create strategic balure within consulting, and integrate students into a pipeline that provides consulting internship/career opportunities.

Bobcat Consulting Group LinkedIn, Bobcat Consulting Group Instagram, Advisor: Andrew Pueschel

Consulting Fellows

Ohio University Consulting Fellows (OUCF) is a selective, student-led business consulting group. 这是一个动手的专业发展组织,每个学期直接与来自全国各地各行各业的真实客户合作. The scopes of its consulting projects include a wide range of services such as market research, cost projection, business growth/expansion planning, content creation, and data analytics, making OUCF an ideal organization for students of all majors. Other benefits from the club include networking trips, scholarships, class credit, 100% job placement, and connections with consulting firms across the country.

OUCF Website, Email the Consulting Fellows, OUCF LinkedIn, OUCF Instagram, Advisor: Krystal Geyer

Ohio University Entrepreneurs

Ohio University Entrepreneurs (OUE) is a student organization that gives entrepreneurs the tools to bring their business ideas to life. OUE members learn the skills to become better leaders and entrepreneurs. OUE members get to network with like-minded people, meet and listen to guest speakers, and go on semesterly networking trips to visit startups, investors, and business accelerators. Using an innovation business model, members learn how to generate and develop business ideas in a safe environment. Throughout these experiences, members practice imagination, innovation, and creation, ultimately creating future professionals with experience in the field of entrepreneurial work. Not only will members become better leaders/entrepreneurs through this process, they will also become better people.

OUE Website, Advisor: Paul Benedict

Association of Women in Finance

The mission of the Association of Women in Finance is to support and encourage women with interest in working in and/or learning about finance. To promote and support this goal, we will pair new members with an experienced mentor who has background in finance, similar interests, and real world experience to make their first few years in the College of Business as beneficial as possible. They hold bi-weekly meetings to learn about various topics in finance, hear speakers from the financial world, and help develop necessary skills for applying for internships and jobs such as resume building and interview etiquette.

Advisor: Kelley Bergsma Lovelace

Derivatives Management Group

COB选择性项目:衍生品管理集团管理跟踪合成投资组合,使他们具有独特的能力,可以对市场进行投机或对冲各种头寸,以抵御系统风险. Founded in 2013, DMG is the youngest of the three investment management groups on campus. The group frequently engages in conference calls with alumni, networking trips, and educational seminars to enrich the knowledge and experience of its members.

Derivatives Management Group Website, Derivatives Management Group LinkedIn, Advisor: Travis Davidson

Financial Management Association

财务管理协会的目标是通过在课堂之外发展专业和社交技能,为我们的会员和newbb电子平台服务. We are a diverse group of students gathered together to help each other succeed within the corporate environment. The benefits of membership include exposure to the financial industry, networking opportunities, and affiliation with our international chapter. Our organization is open to Ohio University business majors and minors with an interest in business and finance.

Advisor: Luke McElfresh

Fixed Income Management Group

A COB Selective Program: OHIO's Fixed Income Management Group manages $2.8 million in Ohio University Foundation funds. Students in this organization learn research and investment methodologies to strategically manage fixed-income investment portfolios. 该集团定期与校友和投资专业人士举行电话会议,讨论当前的经济事件和适当的投资策略. The group also gains exposure to investment banks and investment management firms through annual networking trips. This is a great opportunity for underclassmen to get involved and gain experience in the financial markets.

Fixed Income Management Group Website Advisor: David Stowe

Student Equity Management Group

A COB Selective Program: The OHIO Student Equity Management Group manages more than $4.4 million in Ohio University Foundation funds. The student-run group selects investments for their long only equity portfolio, consistently beating the S&P 500. SEMG is an experience that includes incredible learning opportunities, valuable mentoring, and professional development opportunities like visiting financial firms and attending conferences. The group has a 100% placement rate with students competing at the highest level for jobs and internships.

Student Equity Management Group Website Advisor: David Stowe

College of Business students stand in a baseball stadium together
College of Business students pose for a group photo at Mettler Toledo


The CIBED Society

No matter one’s major, the CIBED Society serves all Bobcats at Ohio University through:

  • Communicating of ideas and experiences focused on experiential learning.
  • Providing access to International Business academic programs.
  • Creating a safe and shared place for growth and development.
  • Expanding our Bobcat network. Increasing the professional skillsets needed to maximize our impact on the world.

CIBED Society Website, CIBED Society LinkedIn, CIBED Society Instagram, Advisor: Stephanie Sharp

Society for Human Resources Management

newbb电子平台人力资源管理协会的目标是通过传播人力资源专业的信息,为会员提供人力资源领域的信息和职业机会, bringing in speakers from different areas of expertise, visiting companies, networking with HR professionals, participating in externships, working with other nearby professional and student chapters, and meeting other students with an HR interest.

Society for Human Resources Management Website, SHRM LinkedIn, SHRM Instagram, President: Olivia Madden, Advisor: Shawnee Meek

American Marketing Association

The American Marketing Association (AMA) is the essential community for marketers. Membership in the Ohio University Chapter of AMA offers many benefits from career resources, platforms for professional development and experiential learning, execution of chapter events, leadership development, and participation in numerous competitions. Annual dues-based membership is open to all majors.

American Marketing Association Instagram, Advisors: Jamie Lambert and Becca Dingus

Ohio Digital Marketing Agency

俄亥俄州数字营销机构(ODMA)成立于2021年,旨在培养学生,为毕业后从事数字营销行业做好准备. The agency is a student-driven agency, built upon four pillars of excellence. Those pillars include career readiness, education, networking, and real-world experience. Students in ODMA have the opportunity to learn specific digital marketing strategies during weekly meetings, network with professionals in the industry, and have opportunities to work with and for live clients.

ODMA LinkedIn, ODMA Instagram, Advisors: Mary Haines and Darcy Wagner

Pi Sigma Epsilon

Pi Sigma Epsilon is the only national co-ed professional fraternity in the fields of sales, marketing and management. The mission of Pi Sigma Epsilon is to develop the sales and marketing skills of its members through lifelong opportunities. PSE的Eta Pi分会于2019年在newbb电子启动,欢迎来自newbb电子平台社区各个领域的成员, colleges and majors. Memberships is open to all ages and majors.

Pi Sigma Epsilon Website | Pi Sigma Epsilon LinkedIn | Pi Sigma Epsilon Instagram | General Inquiries: | President: Taylor Bergoch-Serger, Advisor: Holly Seckinger

Information Systems and Analytics Professionals

ISAP is a student-run organization geared toward MIS and Business Analytics majors within Ohio University's College of Business. They host weekly meetings where members network with industry professionals, learn about technology trends, and gain insights about the skills sought by employers. ISAP帮助培养充满激情的年轻人,他们愿意学习和分享他们的知识,帮助企业在充满活力的环境中利用技术. Want to join? Come to a meeting! All of our events are posted on the ISAP website.

ISAP Website, ISAP LinkedIn, ISAP Instagram, ISAP Email, Advisors: Vic Matta & Mark Rowe

Association of Multicultural Sports Professionals

AMSP at Ohio University was established to support and promote diversity in the sport workforce. It is our duty to build each other professionally through workshops, 活动和体育行政部门的指导,顺利过渡到研究生课程或职业体育生涯.

AMSP Instagram, Advisor: Brandon Wright

Black Student Business Caucus

Established in 1988, 其目的是向学生介绍卓越和多样性的问题,以及在企业舞台上生存所必需的技术. Members participate in an annual business trip, excellence conferences, community service and current events discussions.

Junior Executive Business Student Organization

This organization comes from a high school program that allows students to participate in a week-long business project. Since then, participants who have decided to enroll at Ohio University matriculate into this organization of professional development, mentorship and fun. 我们努力通过举办各种专业活动,如招聘会和实习准备,在商学院展示多元文化的卓越, LinkedIn workshops, and business seminars.

Multicultural Student Business Caucus

The Mission of M.S.B.C is to build and foster a community of multicultural and minority business leaders through engagement and professional advancements.

Multicultural Student Business Caucus LinkedIn, Advisor: Nicole Antoinette Smith

National Association of Black Accountants

See listing in Accounting section.

Business students pose at JPMorgan & Chase
Business students pose at Bath & Body Works

AIESEC (Association for the International Exchange of Students in Economics and Commerce)

Ohio University is developing a chapter of the largest international student-run organization in the world, AIESEC. 该组织致力于通过国际实习机会以及世界各地的社区发展,赋予年轻人和平和实现人类潜力的权力. AIESEC has been facilitating youth leadership activities as well as international internships & volunteer experiences for over 65 years, developing a global learning environment across 124 countries & territories.

President: Molly Davis, Advisor: Grigorios Livanis

Center for Consumer Research & Analytics

我们的使命是为学生提供学习机会,并为企业合作伙伴提供有价值的消费者行为分析和研究. Since our inception, we've worked with some of the world's most admired brands.

Center for Consumer Research & Analytics Website, Advisor: Jessica Weeks

Copeland Scholars Program

科普兰学者荣誉项目(CSHP)是商学院内的ohp指定项目,建立在学院的卓越基础之上. Our mission is to provide high-achieving students with a unique and personalized learning experience. Copeland Scholars is structured upon five key pillars (E.L.I.T.E.)定义和支持所有活动:E:体验式学习L:领导技能I:影响社区T:团队建设E:优秀的沟通.

Copeland Scholars Program Webpage, CSHP LinkedIn, CSHP Instagram, Advisors: Shea Burden and Jessica Weeks


Enactus Ohio University is a team of students working together to solve the world's biggest social challenges. We tackle community development projects by bringing our diverse sets of skills to address challenges facing our community. Our projects have addressed issues in southeast Ohio such as food insecurity, single mothers in poverty, and trash dumping in Wayne National Forest. 我们每年都会在创行集团的区域竞赛中展示我们的项目,在那里我们有机会参加国内和国际比赛. Enactus is a great opportunity for community service, professional development, public speaking, project management, and team collaboration skills.

Enactus Website, Advisor: Paul Benedict

Ohio Future Business Leaders of America

Ohio Future Business Leaders of America (OH FBLA) is Ohio's premier student business organization. More info coming soon!

Advisor: Nicole Byrd

OU Book Club

Our group focuses on reading various genres of books and articles that help us learn and develop new skills in our specialized fields. This can be as extensive as success books, or as concentrated as financial investing. Our group is not a traditional book club where everyone reads the same book. Anyone can read whatever they like and is able to share what they have learned during our group meetings. The whole purpose of reading is to connect with the ideas on the page and develop new ones. Creative thinking is what we inspire in our group.

Advisor: Chauncey Joyce

Student Center for the Public Trust

The Student Center for the Public Trust provides an interactive environment where ethical business behaviors and ideas can flourish, while creating opportunities for students to network with the business community and develop professional leadership skills. SCPT chapters are supported by the NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT), which has staff and resources available to help chapters maximize their effectiveness. CPT的工作人员致力于为学生创造与商界建立联系的机会,并学习毕业后如何在就业市场上推销自己.

Advisor: Aaron Wilson

COB Cares

Advisor: Andrew Pueschel


To learn about the following sport-focused College of Business student groups, visit the Sport Management webpage.

Association of Women in Finance

The mission of the Association of Women in Finance is to support and encourage women with interest in working in and/or learning about finance. To promote and support this goal, we will pair new members with an experienced mentor who has background in finance, similar interests, and real world experience to make their first few years in the College of Business as beneficial as possible. They hold bi-weekly meetings to learn about various topics in finance, hear speakers from the financial world, and help develop necessary skills for applying for internships and jobs such as resume building and interview etiquette.

Advisor: Kelley Lovelace

OHIO Women in Business

OHIO Women in Business (OWIB) dedicates its efforts to attract, develop, and launch each of our members into the business world with all the tools necessary for a successful career. It is through our mission statement that we wish to:

  • Attract high potential young women to the field of business through targeted outreach and events.
  • Develop women interested in the field of business by hosting executive speakers, leadership development, professionalism workshops, social gatherings, and philanthropy.
  • Launch women into the workplace after preparing them with networking sessions and other opportunities to gain competitive positioning.

OHIO Women in Business Website Advisors: Mary Haines and Katie Thomson

Selective Programs

Calling all overachievers. Join one of the College of Business's eight selective programs.

Derivatives Management Group

See listing in Finance section.

Emerging Leaders

新兴领导者是一个为期一年的加速发展项目,旨在鼓励当前newbb电子平台二年级学生/即将到来的三年级学生实现他们作为领导者的潜力. 我们努力加强会员的人际交往能力和专业技能,同时指导他们发挥最大的领导潜力.

Emerging Leaders Website, Emerging Leaders LinkedIn, Emerging Leaders Instagram, Advisors: Amy Toth and Tom Marchese

Fixed Income Management Group

See listing in Finance section.

Honors Program

Schey Sales Centre

From humble beginnings to a nationally renowned program, Ralph and Luci Schey销售中心是全国第一个开始为本科生准备专业销售职业的项目之一. What started with 12 students in 1997 has grown to over 560 in 2017. Our highly selective program, that welcomes students from every major in the university, features a 25% acceptance rate and has become a staple of undergraduate education at Ohio University. An average Schey graduate has received over 500 hours of sales training and participated in internships, role plays, professional development workshops, sales competitions, personal self-assessments, and much more. 我们目前与48家公司合作,通过独家招聘活动将我们的学生与我们的合作伙伴联系起来,在大学销售招聘方面处于领先地位.

Schey Sales Centre Website Advisor: Greg Scott

SOX Fellows

See listing in Accounting section.

Student Equity Management Group

A COB Selective Program: The OHIO Student Equity Management Group manages more than $4.4 million in Ohio University Foundation funds. The student-run group selects investments for their long only equity portfolio, consistently beating the S&P 500. SEMG is an experience that includes incredible learning opportunities, valuable mentoring, and professional development opportunities like visiting financial firms and attending conferences. The group has a 100% placement rate with students competing at the highest level for jobs and internships.

Advisor: David Stowe

Wandell Leadership Fellows

The goal of Wandell Leadership Fellows is to accelerate the personal growth, professional development, and leadership identity of hand-selected high-potential students within the College of Business by using principle-based leadership practices. Wandell Fellows通过“高效能人士的7个习惯”等领导力课程和“后进先出”等自我评估,开始发现他们的领导潜力. 我们可以通过与全国各城市的专业人士进行网络旅行,将我们在与现实世界的高管接触时所学到的知识newbb电子到实践中. 所有这些机会都使我们的成员利用我们的领导技能,通过指导项目中的年轻学生和领导校园内的其他学生组织来为他人服务.

Wandell Fellows Website  Advisor: Jen Traxler